Our Magazines
Forging a writing community

We publish 2 magazines at Indigo Dreams: Reach Poetry (monthly) and The Dawntreader (quarterly)
Both of the magazines have a lively and popular letters page which not only builds a community of writers, but brings an element of teaching and learning into the process. We include work from very experienced and well-known writers, alongside those who are emerging writers.
Each of the magazines have a unique flavour and subscriber base, recognising the varying tastes of our fabulously diverse and inclusive readership. Copies of each magazine are sent out world-wide.
REACH POETRY monthly magazine is a successful and popular publication now into its 26th year. That speaks volumes for its quality and the loyalty of its poets. OVER £13000 PAID TO POETS IN PRIZE MONEY
With so many magazines vying for little space, REACH POETRY has found a formula that works.
We publish quality poetry from both experienced and new poets; formal or free verse, haiku…. everything is considered.
With the sheer volume of poetry being received we are currently only considering work from our subscribers. Subscribers may digitally submit 2 poems per month as email attachments. No hard copy considered.
The Dawntreader remains open for general submissions.
THE DAWNTREADER quarterly is our highest circulation magazine. It has an international readership which gives the opportunity to let the imagination run free.
The Dawntreader specialises in the themes: myth, legend; in the landscape, nature; spirituality and love; the mystic, the environment. It fulfils a niche in the market, welcoming poetry, prose, articles and local legends.
SUBMIT Up to 3 poems (40 lines or less) or prose (up to 1,000 words) sent as email attachments.
Current issue will always be sent on purchase, unless issue number specified.