Zoë Sîobhan Howarth-Lowe
Pocket Full Of Stones
Pocket Full Of Stones is a poetry collection that draws on the thoughts, imaginings and experiences of growing up as the odd one out, the outsider in the corner.

Zoë Sîobhan Howarth-Lowe is a Poet, Mum and Beaver Leader from Dukinfield. She has an MA from Bath Spa University and her two previous publications are 'Love is the way bark grows' (Half Moon Books) and 'I have grown two hearts' (Hedgehog Poetry Press). Zoë’s work has appeared in many anthologies and journals. She regularly headlines at spoken word events.
ISBN 978-1-912876-56-3
54 pages
£9.50 +P&P
‘There is light here,
giving shapes to the movements
of rocks, twigs and leaves
all of which are drowning with me.
Pulled in by my clumsy attempt
to see what drowning feels like.’